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A member registered Jan 11, 2021

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(2 edits)

I made some fanart of (SPOILERS BELOW)

Hope and Regret, the siblings ever! I really love this game, thank you for taking your time to create something so lovely and making it free as well!

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed playing this game, and cant wait to play more! Thank you for creating such a lovely game. I hope you enjoy my playthrough!

Feel free to skip to 40:00, I spent like- 30:00 trying to find out how to use the items :,) (totally my fault, I have like- 2 functioning brain cells LOL)

Also, is it HaLope or Haiope? I feel like I've been saying it wrong the whole stream lol

The art style is amazing but god the story is so damn rushed. It feels all over the place, and the ending was extremely unsatisfying. If it weren't for the art style I would have dropped this immediately. Beautiful art and aesthetic, but Jesus Christ please portray mental illness better and stop making mentally ill adults look like fucking babies.